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Monday 23 May 2011

People of Wal*Mart

I work at Wal*Mart because I have to not because I want to...and by have to I mean HAVE TO!!

After 11 years of work. Ray's full time salary job went part time...He had to get another job which is also part time. I have my business Morrigan LeFay's Mystical Gifts, which is not making any money... I have had no pay cheque up until December for three years... Ray also does the teaching thing..So out of 2 people in our house hold we have 5 jobs . and we are still just making it!!!

I started working there on December 3rd 2010 ..yes that is right Christmas at Wal*Mart..WHO THOUGHT THAT WAS A GOOD IDEA!!!  Between the 26th of November to the 25th of December I had no day off..I will NEVER do that again.

Now don't get me wrong the people I work with are great ( aside from a few of the "privileged young" people who work there and think it is cool to clock in then sit in the staff room for an hour.)

There is drama if you are looking for it and in store relationships, BUT if you are looking to come in , do your job, and go home this is perfect.

I never saw myself working for a company like Wal*Mart , but then again I also did not see my job of 9 years going down the toilet in a few short months either.

Most people on staff think I am weird (could it be the purple hair and skeleton hand necklace ...or maybe the skunk hat!! ) but once they stop and talk for a bit they warm up and most of the cash associates young and older know one thing...I pride myself on integrity and I WORK MY ASS OFF!!... and we get along and have a fun time.

The customers for the most part are friendly..Most feel compelled to talk about my hair one way or another and a few have been really rude....Once again you go back to being an 8 year old being bullied by a peer .
We sell stuff I have never seen or hear of before and certainly don't know what, if any use they have. We sell crap that no one would ever use and people will buy anything if it is on sale .

One day I had a woman ask if I was ready for Halloween, A guy call me stupid out of sight for not knowing how to ring in a coupon ( cause you know I work  Procter and Gamble , Swanson , Bens, Tasters  Choice and Purina ... give a customer a coupon and  they assume  you wrote the coupon and are a proxy CEO for the company said coupon is coming from)  And a guy hoping that  Wal*Mart would increase my wages so I did not have to wear my lingerie to though I am a bit of an exhibitionist giving the right situation , but wear my lingerie to a cashier job?!? one needs to see this at check out # 11 let me tell ya!!

Toying with a 2 year old

Right after Easter a woman had her two year old in the line with a stuffed bunny..The mom and two year old get in a battle and the girl started freaking and would not give up the bunny, the mother suggest I take it from the child because I would have the better chance at getting it (who's the mom??) so nicely I said  "ta ta to me" .....this two year old hit me. Yup hit me, and the mother DID NOTHING...I am a Leo ..I will win even if it is a two year old. The woman asked if I could scan it from where I was..I answered (yes) NO sorry I need she wrenched it from the girls arms and handed it to me...The little girl LOST I could have been nice and just scanned it  (remember the girl hit me) but I pretended to scan it through ( I am sure the code worked fine), then told her that code wasn't working and that I had to key it in...then I proceeded to key the numbers wrong 3 times and watch the girl scream more..I finally got it through properly and the little girl got the bunny and everybody was happy !! (what ever happened to the you are making such a fuss you get nothing.....) So ultimately I went out of my way to distress this child and sadly it felt good!!

 I get more and more pet peeves as the weeks go on.

Don't leave your cart in the isle it is not my job to take it back you know where it came from.

 Don't leave articles in a basket on the belt , I will flip it upside down and watch your face in shock and horror...and it will be my pleasure.

Don't tell your kids I will be mad at them if they don't stop playing with the interac machine..because I really don't give a shit....If you don't want them to do it..stop them...

I hate milk in's dumb and like trying to pack a substance from other planet..


Febreze, Bounce and Glade and every other plug in with Febreze...  . Any and all boxed fabric softener should be outlawed!! This stuff is pure hell on me and now I may need a puffer to even be able to work there!!

*on a side note have you noticed how is in everything littler, garbage bags , laundry detergent, Mr. Clean  next they will come up with one a day + Febreze so your innards can smell as good as your outers*

For anyone with any form of chemical allergy every day is a challenge with certain products..And with food addiction...

I will explain;

When I first started at Wal*Mart I was off of sugar for almost 2 months this was a huge event and made me feel that I was actually on the right track again. The first Friday I worked there supper time came and this man wheeled a shopping cart in .Everyone in the room grew quite... excitement was brewing and the them man you go and like pack of starving hyenas ...the Frenzy began...cans of pop were fling, chips were being tossed, boxes of chocolate being passed around  like a high school joint...gummy worms, peach sours...what the frack did I just land in was like an episode of Twilight Zone and then the person next to me told me about "Feeding Frenzy Friday's" this was a weekly ritual 5pm Friday night... the treats were on Wal*Mart!!!

I was fine the first week. Didn't eat a thing,  then the following still holding strong when someone moved a bag of chips and I spotted them...  oh yes I did, Like Columbus finding the new world......I asked" are  those Whoppers?"  Yes they were.. and I Rhonda  , conquered the Whopper of Wal*Mart in a "frenzy spectaculare"  and cheers were had by all...or at least that is how it played in my mind...At the end of the bag I was full , with a sugar high and defeated..yes I had conquered the whopper but again lost the battle of bulge. And set myself back what seemed like an eternity.

This has been the beginning of the end for me .... every Friday free treats...BUT  it didn't stop Christmas there was at least 2-4 boxes of chocolates a week damaged by the staff room they come.People bring in cakes for each others birthdays Boxes of damaged cookies. Treats for working hard ..One day I walked in and there were 5 slab cakes...5 in celebration of end of year bonuses (missed the cut off by 2 days).. I thought I can do this...and did it . I actually  didn't want the cakes... SUCCESS!!! WOOT!!! I walked by the end  table  to put my lunch in the fridge and sitting there in a huge salad bowl were broken chocolate bunnies like 7 or 8 of them... I almost felt like I was panicked...but it was too late, with a bunny ass in my mouth and a chocolate line in to my vein...I was done in again.

Ray told me to eat somewhere else,  I said where in the bathroom...listening to the orchestra of bodily noises..or perhaps the hallway with the rotten food and mice...No but there is no where to go.

This issue is equivalent to setting up line of cocaine to a user and telling them as much or as little as you want but it is all free...3-2-1 GO!!

There is actually nothing healthy at our Wal*Mart to eat There is no fruit, no vegetables (unless frozen) yogurt you cannot by singularly...We do have Smart Ones dinners and Healthy Choice frozen meals...but aside from that..water and that is it.  We have a McDonalds that serves no salads... I have brought in lunches twice now and have had them stolen by someone ...thus forcing me to shop in the "food-tress of doom". I have only had  MikkeyD's once...I can't even stand the smell of stuff cooking...makes my skin crawl. But I have made poor food choices and lots of them.

I went on the "I have not had it in years" shopping spree (Bridge Mixtures, black licorice, Flakies) And then there was the all out binge of 2011...Mini Eggs...I don't think thee was one safe in this city...this is what lead me to start really thinking about my food and triggers...I don't know what triggered this one, but I think it is likely the thought of potentially having to shut down the business and being financially unstable yet again...

People often say that you learn lessons out of all that you do, and I think there are a few lessons at Wal*Mart I have already learned:

#1 Commercialism is ridiculous , people will buy anything even if the don't need it or know what it is for. This has actually prompted me to go one a mini purge and get rid of some of my statues and jewellery that I no longer wear

#2 a lot of people are lost

#3 a lot of people are shameless and rude

#4 this may make or break me as far as food issues go...where there is food at every check out and the amount of people that buy nothing but junk food is scary and tempting to do it myself. (The day before Easter our candy department did $30,0000 THAT IS CRAZY!!!.)

I am willing to try and find a better way to deal with my emotions and issues without stuffing my face but boy this one is a challenege...I will let you know how it is going......

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